Sunday, November 29, 2015

How to: Time travel

Time traveling in Farmville 2 refers to changing your device's time settings so that you can harvest crops, craft items, and collect items found by your Helping Hands without having to wait the usual preparation time. However, you must be very careful because if you make an error the harvesting, crafting, and foraging time required will actually increase by a full day or more- yikes!

1. Send Helping Hands to the desired foraging spot or prized animal. Add ingredients to workshops for items you are crafting. Make sure all of your crops are watered.

2. Exit the game and change your device's time settings to a future time that is the same or longer than what is required for your desired crop, item, or Helping Hand (i.e. 2 hours ahead for the Merryweather Mine). I usually keep it simple by just changing the date to the next day (i.e. a full 24 hours), so that I don't have to keep track of the different time requirements, and so I know everything will be ready.

3. Go back to your farm. You can collect the items found by your Helping Hands. However, DO NOT send Helping Hands out again. DO NOT collect any items from crops, animals, or workshops. DO NOT make any purchases from the Globe. DO NOT spin the Prize Wheel. Basically, don't touch anything outside of collecting items from Helping Hands. Doing so during this step will significantly increase the harvest time when you change back your time settings.

4. Exit the game and change your device's time settings back to the correct time.

5. Return to your farm. All of your crops and items should be ready. It is now safe to harvest them, to spin the Prize Wheel, etc. Repeat steps 1-4 as desired.

*If you have the space, store plenty of the 'Supplies Needed' by your Helping Hands to complete their work. This way your Helping Hands can time travel several times in a row.

That's it folks! Time traveling can be a bit tedious but sometimes it really is worth it. Again, please share any additional tips in the comments, and let me know if you have any requests for future posts.

Good luck and happy farming!

Saturday, November 28, 2015

How to: Clone, copy, double items

Copying (doubling, cloning) is a strategy that allows players to duplicate items without crafting them. By the end of a round of copying everyone participating will end up with more of that item than they started with. This is especially helpful for event items; rare/costly items (i.e. quartz); or completing orders for Eagle Eye Eddie and the Mariner, who often ask for large quantities of items or items that take a long time to craft.

Copying requires at least three participants

1. Decide what item to copy. One person (“Sue”) who has that item will begin by asking, “Ready?” Everyone participating confirms: “Ready”; “Yes"; "K."

2. Once everyone confirms, Sue says “Posting” and posts the item. It is recommended to protect it as a CO-OP EXCLUSIVE when posting.

3. Everyone participating opens the Co-Op store (right above the Co-Op chat, second tab from the bottom). If you don't see the item in Sue's farmstand immediately keep refreshing until you do. When you see the item, tap back to the Co-Op chat and say “C.” DO NOT EXIT THE CO-OP CHAT/STORE AREA during this step.

4. Wait for everyone participating to say “C,” DO NOT EXIT THE CO-OP CHAT/STORE AREA while you wait. Once everyone has said "C" you can buy the item.

5. The next player posts the item. Repeat steps 1-4 until every participant has posted. Then decide if you want to continue on for another round, or choose a new item to copy.

*The more players who participate and the more of the item that is posted at one time, the faster the copying will go. Your co-op may therefore choose to copy using 2, 3, or even 4 slots. In that case keep refreshing your Co-Op store until you see Sue has posted in ALL of the agreed slots, and then chat “C2” “C3” or “C4” depending on the number of slots.

*It is considered rude to leave before a round is over, especially if you have yet to post, as that would mean you benefit from everyone else posting without giving yourself.

*Make sure you have 'Liked' every player in your co-op who is participating, so that their farmstand shows up when you check the co-op store. You can do this by clicking the heart next to their name. If they are new members you may have to scroll all the way down in the co-op store to find them.

*Just as an example: Let’s say Sue, Bob, and Jim are copying quartz. Sue has 3, Bob and Jim have 0.
Sue posts 3 quartz first: Bob gets 3, Jim gets 3, Sue now has 0
Bob posts 3 quartz next: Jim has 6, Sue gets 3, Bob now has 0
Jim posts 3 quartz: Bob gets 3, Sue has 6, Jim has 3
One round completed. Each person ends up with 3 more quartz than they started with. 

Please share any additional tips on copying in the comments, as well as any additional questions or requests for help. My next 'How to' post will be on Time Traveling!

Good luck and happy farming!